IPTV STB Emulator Pro APK v0.8.05 Download [Latest]

IPTV STB Emulator Pro APK
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IPTV STB Emulator Pro APK

Free download IPTV STB Emulator Pro APK for Android 4.0+ from KaranAPK. This is a MAG-250/AuralHD emulator for Android.

IPTV Set-Top-Box Emulator.
* Ad-Free
* Less apk size
* Supports software remote controls for MAG 250

WARNING! This app is designed to be used by experienced users. To work correctly it must be configured first and if you’ve never configured STB MAG 250/Aura HD you may have troubles while configuring it.
Keep in mind, that this app contains a lot of settings that have to be configured before it may be used by a user (read the wiki first). If you do something wrong you may make the app unable to work.
Anyways, you’ve been warned!

Note: Keep in mind that this app doesn’t provide any service and doesn’t support m3u (or any others) playlists! You have to use it only with IPTV portals that support MAG2xx/AuraHD boxes.

What’s New:

* Updated Exo player to latest v1.5.9.
* Added password protection for settings (disabled by default, default password: 0000).
* Fixed compatibility with Stalker v5.0.1
* Fixed compatibility with some other (not based on Stalker) portals.
* Fixed Auto player in some cases selected the wrong player to play a stream.
* Fixed some Android 6 and N compatibility issues (the app couldn’t read device’s storage).
* Fixed empty action list in keymaps editor.
* Fixed some other minor bugs.


IPTV STB Emulator Pro APK

How To Install?
1. Uninstall Old Version (If Available)
2. Download and Install IPTV STB Emulator Pro APK From The Links Given Below
3. Done, Enjoy!!

Contains Ads Free

Free Download Links:

IPTV STB Emulator Pro v0.8.05 Apk | Mirror

All Android apps and games here are for home or personal use only. If any download of APK infringes your copyright, contact us.

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