Retro Music Player Pro
Are you looking for the most stylish music player for your newly bought mobile phone? Trust me Retro Music Player Pro app will become your favorite music player after 1st use. It has a Self-explanatory interface without overloaded menus. Also, you can choose between three different main themes: white, dark and black for AMOLED displays. In-home, where you can have your recently/ top played Artists, Albums and Songs. No other music player has this feature.
Retro Music Player Included Features:
-Base 3 themes (Clearly white, Kinda dark and Just Black)
-Gapless playback
-Volume controls
-More than 10 Now playing themes
-Carousel effect for an album cover
-Homescreen Widgets
-Lockscreen Playback Controls
-Lyrics Screen(download and sync with music)
-Sleep Timer
-Homescreen Widgets
-Tag editor
-Last.fm integration
-Create, Edit, Import playlists
-Corner edges like Pixel 2 XL
-Playing queue with reorder
-User profile
-30 Languages support
Retro Music Player Free Info:
● Standalone Android Package
● Android App Bundle Repacked (Split APKS Packer v2.4):
• Languages: Multi
• Supported CPU architecture: universal
• Supported DPIs: hdpi, tvdpi, xhdpi , xxhdpi, xxxhdpi
● Premium features Unlocked
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Free Download Links:
Retro Music Player [Pro] v3.4.850_0107 Apk
Retro Music Player [Pro] v3.4.850_1226 Apk