Perfectly Clear
Perfectly Clear is not your ordinary photo app, filters library, or editing suite. It’s Award-Winning, Intelligent Image Correction that improves your images with a single tap. All 18 corrections happen automatically so you get professional-looking photos without tedious and complex editing. And it includes powerful presets like Beautify which makes it easy to look your best every time.
Next Generation Beautify makes it easy to look your best. Our Beautify technology automatically detects gender, age, and facial features to apply just the right amount of correction. We’ve made the existing Skin Smoothing, Teeth Whitening, Eye Enhancement & Enlargement even better. Plus, we’ve added 6 amazing new automatic corrections:
– Face Slimming
– Eye Circle, Shine, Blemish and Red-Eye Removal
– Catchlights
– Powerful Photo Browser lets you crop, delete, rotate and more!
– Quickly flip through your images in a gallery so you no longer need to go to another App to view.
– Significantly faster!
– Correct your photos at up to twice the speed.
– Quick Correct
– Correct with one tap directly from the new photo browser.
– Can you fit all the power of a DSLR in your pocket?
– With Perfectly Clear v4.0 you can. Our advanced camera includes face, blink & smile detection that automatically captures the perfect portrait or selfie, powerful Panorama, amazing HDR, and more.
– Plus we’ve leveraged the latest innovations of Android’s Lollipop, giving you full-resolution high-speed burst, full-resolution panorama (Nexus 6 & 9), HDR shots of fast-moving subjects, full White Balance control, and more.
What’s new:
– New facebook sharing
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